Aquatic Healing

by Jan Janssen

Jan Janssen

Energetic Therapist on earth and in water

Before being exposed to aquatic therapy in 2012, Jan had already extensive training and a seasoned professional practice in different integral healing and coaching modalities. When he started giving water sessions, this experience blended seamlessly with the Aquatic therapy.

During 5 years of infusing integral healing work into water sessions Jan made numerous new discoveries. This way a unique approach of water work emerged naturally and is ceaselessly evolving« Aquatic Healing ».

Aquatic Healing

My invitation is that you experience the freedom, the expansion, and the profound joy that aquatic therapy can provide

Aquatic Therapy is a profound physical therapy modality. It consists of a series of subtle, sometimes still, sometimes dynamic, movements provided by the trained facilitator. In such an environment the body unwinds, unfolds and quickly arrives to a deep state of relaxation, that isn’t possible to achieve in a land-gravity environment. Each session provides the receiver with the safe and tranquil environment that gives the mind, body, and spirit a pathway to relax and let go.

– David Towe

In the space of letting go a 1 or 1,5 hour journey begins. Time seems to stop while the receiver’s everyday stressors begin to dissolve away.Often one experiences new insights and awarenesses and a knowing that something deep and important has presented itself during the session. Those who receive may experience an array of feelings, shades of light, expressions of joy, and a remembering of a deeper connection to warm water, where all human life began.


Different people have different needs. You can choose one or a combination of the following session types

You can request the type of session you are interested in the moment you schedule your appointment or at the beginning of your session; or, you can leave it up to me, the facilitator, to follow a unique experiential session with you based upon my observations, knowledge, intuition, experience in this work and my personal self cultivation in the healing arts (open combination).

At all times- before, during, and after the session- you are welcome to give feedback about your needs, preferences, boundaries, and what you would like to explore in the water.



Appointments are booked exclusively by e-mail through the contact form below. Please bring your bathing suit, bath towel (shampoo, skin care, snack if needed).

    DAY & TIME:

    Usually between 12h and 16h.

    For new customers a deposit of 50 € to ensure the booking of the session is to be paid to the account of “Integral Presence”: IBAN BE06 7440 5635 9922 within 3 days after the confirmation of your appointment.

    In case of impediment, please notify me as soon as possible. We can change the appointment, ideally no later than a week before the meeting, and ultimately until 48 hours before the meeting.

    In case of absence or negligence, the session fee will be due in its entirety. Thank you for your understanding.